The latest proof: in an effort to catch up with the times, the National Labor Relations Board has turned its attention to employees 'use of social media, with surprising results. 最近的例证就是:为了与时俱进,美国全国劳资关系委员会(NationalLaborRelationsBoard)已经把目光投向了公司员工对社交媒体的使用,结果出人意料。
NLRB ( National Labor Relations Board) Harmonious tripartite relationship 国家劳资关系委员会
A number of cases raising this issue have involved the National Labor Relations Board, an agency that has been exceptionally reluctant to act through rules. 提出上述问题的一系列案件都牵扯到全国劳资关系委员会&该机关一向非常反对依规则行事。
Crawford, an aging teamster, limped into the office where I worked as a field examiner intern for the National Labor Relations Board ( NLRB). 他是以进入我的办公室,当时我正作为国际劳力联席委员会的领域研究实习教师。
Moreover, the act established the National Labor Relations Board ( NLRB) to administer its provisions, to punish unfair labor practices, and to determine which union should represent workers. 上述法案还建立了“全国劳工关系委员会”,来实施法案中的各项规定,惩治损害劳工的不公正行为,并决定该由哪个工会来代表工人。
That's the question that the National Labor Relations Board is putting before an administrative law court. 这是美国国家劳工关系委员会向一家行政法庭所提出的问题。
The National Labor Relations Board is a good example. 全国劳资关系委员会即是个很好的例子。
It initiated the case of National Labor Relations Board v. Jones& Laughlin Steel Co. The case was a decisive battle between employers and employees about the contract in private sector. 而不久,《瓦格纳法》的诞生,以及由此引发的国家劳资关系委员会诉琼斯与拉夫林钢铁公司案,导致了在私领域中劳资关系于黄狗合同问题上的决战,最终劳方胜出。